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Winter Solstice Astrology


The North pole has tilted 23.5° away from the Sun and the light of its path, giving us a Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year in the North Hemisphere. The Sun at 0° of Capricorn joins a T-Square that has been formed by Ceres at 0° of Libra, Hygiea at 0° of Capricorn and Jupiter at 0° of Aries. Hygiea represents the Goddess of Health and Well-being and at the apex of this T-square with the Sun, it is spotlighting the fundamental importance of how you identify with or label yourself in the relationships you have. Jupiter at 0° of Aries is beginning a New Galactic Cycle and with it projecting the vibrational cosmic rays of abundance across the solar system we are being flooded with the energies that will trigger you into awakening, expanding and enlightening the awareness of how you profess yourself to be. Ceres, the Goddess of Agriculture, is at 0° of Libra; in Latin Agri means field and culture or cultivate is defined as “to grow in a prepared medium”. Through the seasons and cycles of nature, Ceres nurtures you to be self-reliant as you physically impress/sow & express/reap your manifestations. This opposition is an instant level-up game changer, as you claim yourself anew and begin the process of being it so shall that wellness & wholeness be reflected to you. Haumea at 0° of Scorpio is also aspecting this configuration; as the Hawaiian Goddess of fertility, Haumea is supporting the transmutation of the energies so that you may regenerate, resurrect and rejoice in the light of your newly birthed Christ consciousness. Man is made in the “Image/(photon or reflection) of God”; Our Soul innately and etherically exists in the within the Omniness of Source Gods space and all matter takes up space. Everything is energetic in nature and the heavens are reminding us of this relationship, we are never alone or without guides who are constantly sending us signals.

Vertex (Vx) is from Latin and means “to turn”; it is also known as a mathematical point where the Prime Vertical intersects with the Ecliptic in a Celestial Sphere that surrounds the Earth as part of the Horizon system used by Astro people. In Astrology, the Vertex/Anti-Vertex as an Electric Axis and involves a potential fated destiny; how and whether it manifests is your divine free-will. Within any moment, there exists the space to become aware of a feeling/thought/vision and recognize it as something that is magically inspiring you to be creative in some way or not. At the moment of the Winter Solstice, Saturn at 20° is making right angles or a T-Square to the Vertex in Scorpio and the Anti-Vertex in Taurus at 20°. In Aquarius, Saturn is raising the bar/measure and pushing the envelope; composing initiations for your understanding as to where you as the architect of your Soul’s song have created blocks constraining its high vibrational signature. This taskmaster reminds you to have endurance and be a disciple of your Soul, living with self authority as a Spiritual Being having a physical experience. God created energy as a tool and being incarnated on planet Earth experiencing an evolution of consciousness, having the awareness of this fact is essential. By deflating the Ego and enlightening yourself to the wisdom of your Soul/Guides/Massive Galactic Family etc.; this T-Square is aiding you to gain the capacity to process the fire/light/electric sparks or rays of insightful coding with greater understanding, allowing you to turn to and trust your self in foreseeing the potential collective opportunities you would enjoy being a part of.

As you turn within more and more and dissolve the power fear has had on/over, you attune to the cosmic energies as a source of empowerment, and you bless yourself with behind the seen abilities to perceive and communicate with the energies in motion. The Vertex in Scorpio is also part of a Grand Water Trine with Black Moon Lilith in Cancer and Juno conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Water is receptive, expressive and intermingles whatever it flows from the electron cloud to outer space; this Water grand trine is streaming the magnetic nature of Neptune, Juno the Goddess of partnerships and the commitment to them, the electrical Vertex axis and the raw primal energy of the non-physical in nature BML, within the womb space of the Winter Solstice and the New Moon on the 23rd, in 2022; a triple 2- and 6-year, symbolizing and carrying the empowering vibrations of not only the Master Number 22 energies but also of Divine Harmony, Service and Manifestation. Just Be, close your eyes, feel your heart vibe flow out and nurture your body, imagine it evaporating into the universal sea and keep the portals open to receive. The more you can make the heighten awareness of the oneness that you are, who you are; the quicker you will raise your frequency vibration to attract the destiny you came to experience.

There is also a Grand Earth trine involving Uranus Retrograde at 15° of Taurus, Orcus Retrograde at 15° of Virgo and Venus at 15° of Capricorn. You Soul/God/Source/the Universe wants to be a part of what you bring into formation using the divine energy that it freely willing provides. By being true to your Soul self and honoring the vibration of Love you capably restructure yourself in an organic way, effectively mastering how to become the embodiment of the Christ energies. While this Earth Grand Trine is 5° of from being a perfect Merkaba with the Grand Water Trine; Mercury at 20° of Capricorn is in a trine to the Anti-Vertex at 20° of Taurus … meaning if you have something in your Natal Chart at 20° VIRGO … In the Omniness of all that is, your Soul knows of this now moment and the potential it holds to enlighten your consciousness to the higher dimensions of where and how you innately exist.

All the Best


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