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November Full Moon


As I stare at the Grand Square in the November Full Moon chart, I can feel where the Libra and Scorpio eclipses have left me wanting to shed a past due version of myself. Being conscious of the archetypal energies of Libra and Scorpio, I inwardly went with the flow during the eclipses, going metaphysically deeper and higher with myself; being the voyeur into why and how my emotional habitual patterns and responses attract and create the timelines I experience. What came to light was the emotional hold or power I energetically give relationships because I chose or willing avoid not standing in the highest aspect of my authentic self. Aries is the 1st house astrologically speaking but the further I expand in awareness; I feel and receive/gain a greater sense that the relationships, balance and harmony traits of Libra are a primary self-serve source of spark to motivate us. All the exists is in relation to all else; from the micro quarks that become an Atom to the macro-Galaxies that house Solar Systems and through it all the light is constant; a Star emits Sunlight which carries the encoding information and creates … for the human being it is the frequency we subconsciously impress and consciously express. It is our consciousness that is the variable; our state of being attracts or repels frequency timelines in every moment; free-will is our divine birthright, our higher-self or other light beings cannot aid unless asked – and then given.

With Venus conjunction the South Node Retrograde in Libra and opposite the North Node retrograde in Aries, the more we can observe/reflect and interact while staying in the higher frequencies of that constant, unconditional, heartfelt vibratory feeling; we consciously empower the inner space and relationship we have with the our I AM presence, the Light, Nature, Spirit and the higher version of our Soul Self. The Full Moon in the communication axis of Gemini and Sagittarius is highlighting where we to recognize and feel for activations or downloads as well as negative Self-talk or Self-sabotaging behaviours; it is with awareness this divine relationship that we lead ourselves into being our wholeness, by permitting the light of our Soul to guide us. History doesn’t repeat itself; the Light is constantly representing itself and we have free will whether we chose to embody the higher frequencies or lower ones. The higher frequency light codes will move us out of our comfort zone, encouraging us standing up for ourselves or our cause while the lower frequency ones will have us believing it’s not worth the bother or something like that. Mercury at 24 degrees of Sagittarius is conjunct asteroid Anubis and the Galactic Center which is trine to asteroid Atlantis at 27 degrees of Leo; the Light is streaming in is letting us know its ok to be that high frequency version of ourself that we were during those Atlantean lives; the natural abilities or insights that seem to help you navigate through life are there to aid and guide you, it’s okay to have a relationship or be in harmony with the metaphysical or etheric realm. Hekate at 5 degrees of Virgo is at the apex of the Full Moon T-square; she’s the Goddess of Witchcraft and works her magic in Virgo by nurturing us towards making sense of our intuitive abilities.

Saturn at 0 degrees Pisces is at the apex of one of the T-square’s with the Full Moon at 4 degrees and Ceres at 0 degrees of Sagittarius; whatever experiences you had during the Scorpio eclipse were meant to energetically raise the buried shit you’ve been avoiding (possibly for lifetimes) so you could recycle the energy timeline/relationship with new eyes and hears and the potential that a fresh preceptive will help you see the light in choosing love for self and your Mental, Physical, Spiritual well-being. Haumea at 1 degree of Scorpio is a giver, attuning and blessing us with vast spiritual wisdom; in a trine to Saturn, it is for us, as the Avatar of our Soul, to surrender and go with the spiritual flow even when it looks and feels like a shitshow with no end in sight. Jesus often said “ The father through me …” he wasn’t referring to a physical presence but the energetic communication; he knew and allowed himself to be the vessel for the higher frequencies of the Light of God. Ceres is enlightening us to how we reap what we sow; you have free-will so if you're not feeling the vibe, take the essentials steps to go within, get out of you head and re-establish your spiritual connection.

The astrological Yod Boomerang alignment at this Full Moon with Jupiter retrograde at 7 degrees of Taurus sextile vesta at 5 degrees retrograde of Cancer is offering us a magical divine level up as we will recalibrate ourself even higher to the consciousness of love; with next year being 2024 and numerically an 8 represents the infinity of your Soul, expanding ourselves now prepares us internally to be a stronger yet lighter for the way in each we can uniquely be of divine service as a light being.

With whatever you going through, I wish you

All the Best


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