The cosmic powers that be are holding space for us to consciously discharge, with full clemency, from all lifetime and timelines, in all dimensions; all energies that where not weaved, within the primal zero-point quantum zone, with the highest vibration of Love; thereby, thoroughly clearing deep-seated chakra residue in preparation so your vessel so you can embody more of your divine soul.
Leading up to the full moon, the moon is reflecting the sun's light however during a Full Lunar Eclipse Moon, the Moon moves into Gaia's umbra or shadow; the light reflecting off the Full Moon is refracted sunlight from the Gaia’s atmosphere. With this being the longest lunar eclipse in 580 years, lasting about 3 hours and 28 minutes; there is galactic amount of potential to reset the current and systemically reboot how you interface with your diversified yet distinct Soul Self as you are will to abdicate trespasses against self. At the time of the Full Moon, the Moon is conjunct Sedna Rx in Taurus in aspect to Haumea in Libra, the Sun in Scorpio, the Galactic Center conjunct Union, Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter conjunct DNA in Aquarius; combining to make a T-Square, a Yod, a Point of Thales Triangle, 2 Pythagorean Triangles and 8 Wedge Triangle patterns.
A Lunar Eclipse subtlety reveals the truths within the illusion, pulling the curtain and exposing buried facets of the frequencies we habitually coordinate with. The November 19th eclipse is T-square to Jupiter and DNA in Aquarius; it’s a mind***K meant to wake you up and activate dormant DNA, the more sheepish the bigger the mind blow. By owning our shadow baggage, honestly acknowledging and embracing our true colors, the parts we find to be shameful, unworthy, and embarrassing; we begin to create an inner heart-centered space of peace and acceptance for who we are as we are; I am who I am. Having begun the groundbreaking work toward wholeness, this transformative eclipse can bring you long overdue changes as you are willing to detach with the closeted safe and comfortable in order to open ourselves to greater receiving and inspiration. This auspicious moment is recalibrating you from the micro to the macro so that you feel grounded as you anchor in the light of your birthright to be in the mastery of your magnanimous spirit.
In the 5th plus dimensions there is no rulership or power over, the relationship is one of conscious unity in pursuit of a common intention. For those of us that have been endeavoring spiritually; pledging each breath, thought and step towards the attainment of the most magnificent relationship possible while in human form; the Full Moon at 27° (2+7=9) is terminating the lease on the ways of yesterday as we trust with confidence that what others believe and deem impossible is where I'm possible. Haumea at 29° (2+9=11) of Libra has the capacity to for you to call in on your spirit family to receive all that you need and are entitled to; let your brain have a thinking time-out restful moment and observe the frequency at play in your life relationships. If there is a theme, get real with yourself, see it and love it for what is or was; the ”other” was play a role in the script of your live, judge them not. Send them love and release the need to play it out any longer, you got the memo. As the Goddess of Fertility, Haumea in Libra can recode, reprogram your belief systems as you reclaim the space for your renewed heart-centered perspective; recognize what needs a frequency redo or a regenerative rewire that will thereby resolve outward situations. Go with the flow now Pluto is advising as it nears 25°, inevitably on the path to 27° then 29° of Capricorn; stand in your light as a sovereign embodied light being, refusing to deal with the same old same old. Relinquish the grip on what mankind assumes as the status quo for your life; commit yourself to using the empowering internal guidance system you came equipped with. Union asteroid conjunct the Galactic Center in Sagittarius is spotlighting the universal love that is being transmitted in abundance by galactic fellowships of Lights beings; explore and integrate how you collect downloads as if they were your daily bread, be ok with yourself even it feels like a crumb; baby steps become giant leaps.

In the moment of this Full Moon; Ceres retrograde in Gemini, Atlantis in Scorpio and Varuna retrograde in Leo are forming a Scalene Wedge Triangle. This triangle is revealing to us the karmic thought patterns that have held us fearful of expressing our innate oneness with all that is. Ceres represents Divine Feminine creation; this Mother is a fertile, nurturing, compassionate, patiently creative energy that guides and protects you while unconditionally holding space for love and forgiveness; lifetime after lifetime. Within the material realm polarity exists surrounded by the greater whole and is therefore available in every moment; Varuna Rx is helping us to see the bigger picture of how we need to change the way we cultivate are thought forms. When Atlantis fell, a spiritual part of us submerged with it; the Atlanteans knew how to create a state of oneness using both sides of the spectrum. You have free will, your soul incarnated for the purposes of amalgamating the non-physical into form; with each inhalation and exhalation of wholing breath, the river of life circulates; it's not for us to judge where the ideas come from or why it brings us so much excitement to experience it; it is a soul production to be enjoyed. This aspect is breaking down our 3rd dimensional energetic fear-based motions or emotional habits, not us; we came to be the consciousness of our Soul through/with/as the body and mind. The fact is we are experiencing a paradigm shift; go with the flow, take it one step at a time, acknowledge your true lovely nature while having judgement free awareness of the fear; praise, affirm, applaud yourself for following your passions and excitement from conception to manifestation.
Mercury trine Neptune Rx conjunct Sumeria is an emotional blessing. This trine is expanding your ability to attune your sensitivities becoming more receptive and perceptive to the universal energy vibrations than you currently are. As you nurture these gifts allowing them you evolve your sense of self you will be the source of what self-sovereignty looks and sounds like for those awakening.

The astrological patterns being formed by Chiron Rx in Aries, Makemake in Libra, Gaea in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius are a T-Square and Point of Thales Triangle, their apex focal points held together by a semi-sextile. As we do our part of to bring ourselves back into balance, we send out massive signals to all of Gaia’s kingdoms that humanity is capable of peace and environmental harmony. The material realm is made manifest through the cohesiveness of the Fire, Earth, Air elements (this trinity creates the water molecule), each doing their part energetically; from the atomic to the cosmic, heat stirs the quarks into a particle that will then resonate with other particles developing into matter that has mass. How mankind has defined life does not reflect how nature innately exists; we are each individually a micro epitomizing the potential of the macro.
The way out the T-square pickle mankind has naturally entangled itself in is through the disciplinary measures Saturn is orchestrating that will lead humanity to the foundation of well-being in the promised land. Makemake in Libra is revealing to us that the starting point to create & achieve requires that you begin from a space of balanced intentions between being/doing, spirit/matter, mind/heart, motion/stillness, leading/following & M/F energies. Chiron Rx is the showing you where your physical self is the student learning what your higher self is teaching you so that you become the whole-y master that your soul is. Keep your eye on the big soul picture prize and take and follow the steps with faith and assuredness; show gratitude for your Higher-Self and all aspects of Gaia.

This celestial formation has a lot of characters, each an apex part effecting the whole; there is a Grand Earth Trine, Yod, Pythagorean Triangle and a Wedge Triangle taking place between Mars conjunct the Anti-Vertex in Scorpio, Venus conjunct Hermes in Capricorn, Uranus conjunct the Vertex in Taurus, Black Moon Lilith in Gemini and Conscience, Anubis and Orcus in Virgo. Black Moon Lilith in Gemini is the invisible glue holding space for the Yod, Pythagorean Triangle and Wedge Triangle. The Semi-Sextile, Square and two Quincunxes could be the carriers of a seismic wave; at any moment scattering the conceptual comforts that you identify as your normal, structured state of well-being. In the Age of Aquarius, the space that light travels through can retain more information and so whether you are conscious or not, BML is bellowing a dynamic independent melody free from artificiality and pretext; her primordial energy with every breath we take is motivating us to seek greater harmony by actively going with the beat of our unique rhythm. The twins of Gemini are the Ego and the Soul Self; you have free-will on which frequency thought forms you align and think about.
The Grand Earth Trine Kite is an opportunity to shift your perspective and your overall operating stage system with ease and grace. Fearlessly go on an internal cosmic journey and honor all facets of your being, as they are without judgement, from the shadow self to the soul self. Staying in the empowering vibes of your soul will magnetize to you the intuitive insights needed to propagate new ideas and experiences. Surrender attachment or control of the way you were conditionally raised and socially programmed to think, and; instead, practically attune yourself to the awareness of what your sensory system is communicating and activating; the divine feminine and masculine energy innately broadcast themselves through/with/as the elemental forces of nature. The Sun expresses rays of sunlight codes and Mother Gaia receives and seeds.
Feminine energy is very loving, supportive and nurturing; always nourishing and respecting your free-will choice from amongst the diversity of the spectrum. Thoughts become the physical things in your reality, this Full Moon Eclipse is presenting the 3rd dimensional frequencies that need to be transmuted so you can internally spread your spirit wings and ethereally soar. We are in the 11th month of a 5 year (2+0+2+1); change happens, being able to go with flow in Mind, Body and Soul, ensures your not only your masterful ability to survive but your capability to thrive. It is for you to be fully conscious of how you construct yourself using the raw impulses you sense. The heart is the foundation of your being, center yourself there and be open to feeling and allowing the messages from your Soul family; you can will it, the physical body is an interactive system designed for the purpose of integrating and transmitting light. Your authentic self is not physical; own the frequency of the energy you resourcefully create with; reconnect with your intuitive 5th dimensional abilities. Vote and devote your energy into becoming more of your Soul-Self by trusting and relying on a new updated/upgraded inner delivery carrier, manifesting in form to you the products/tools/services you need to be the co-creator of your whole beingness. Nothing is fixed, release with love and begin again; a stronger more determined and enlightened version of you.
All the Best
@Conscious Galactic