History doesn’t have to repeat itself as the energy represents itself. This New Moon Solar Eclipse offers the completion of many cycles, some dating as far back as Atlantis. We all have free-will as we energetic face our darkest demons or fears; educating ourselves as to what we are truly made of. By consciously choosing to attune the space within transforming the fearful thoughts into more positive ones; shifting your perspective in the progress, you clear the build up of sludge that was blocking the wisdom of your soul from flooding through. There are 4 oppositions playing out in the moment of this New Moon Solar Eclipse; it may feel everything is getting drudge up; go with the adventurous flow, you have expansive opportunities. Invest in yourself, seed your reality with your inner visionary value and worth; doing so will harmonize what may seem like different areas of your life, bring you peace and prosperity in ways you never dreamed it could.

We are all at different levels in the process of healing fearful energies; we all have areas where we need to begin again and again. Hygeia in Libra opposite Eris Rx in Aries is revealing to us, through our experiences, how we energetically relate or react. Energetically everything is in relation to everything else, your perspective reverberates creating a Mind, Body, Soul network that interacts or effects everything else. Urania conjunct Venus at 22°Capricorn is holding the door open to release the tension of the opposition; the solution is simple, walking Love out is what your Soul signed up to do/be. By taking the self care actions you feel guided to take from the internal nudging’s of your heart-centered awareness; you strengthen the bond you have with spirit which allows divine Source to serve you in/through/as you. For some of us, this is the final stretch out of the 3D Fear game of illusions, Control and Separation; these endings are activations of deep-seated innate divine wisdom, abilities, gifts. The bottom of this bowl are the Mastery Signs Sagittarius to Pisces; your human birthright is Divinely Sovereign. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate - Mark 10:9

The Soul is an aspect of Source, it is divine lacking no-thing; Souls in the spirit realm act as guides for those that choose to incarnate and ascend their 3rd dimensional (aspect of self) awareness towards this knowing, state of being. The polarity energy seeking balance between Chiron Rx in Aries and Makemake in Libra is going to show up for each of us in unique ways. Chiron represents the Student, Teacher, Master archetype; your physical self is the student learning what your higher self is teaching you so that you become the master that your soul is. This may feel like an initiation, especially if you have anything in the water/earth signs at 8-12 degrees. In this New Moon moment, the masculine energy is about preparing for or leaping into mastering of the heart centered space and transmission frequency discernment through/within/as you. You are the avatar for you soul, your expressions reverberate what is magnetized to you energetically. Aquarius Saturn in aspect is fine tuning you gently; your Soul knows when you know better and holds space for you to be disciplined enough to be in discipleship to your Spirit/Source/Higher Power as you impress that wisdom up yourself.
Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth and Keeper of the High Heart 3-Fold flame in Sagittarius is providing the Divine wisdom, willpower and unconditional love energy needed to bring about healing. Our bodies were built to receive and process the light, free energy if you will; the service of Vesta in devotion to the Divine Mother is gifting us with higher frequency visionary insights. We exist vibrationally, non-physical thoughts become physical things; this is a preemptive moment to make waves in your life by releasing triggering beliefs, relationships etc. Allow how you receive light language; it is different for everyone, honor you. Accept Higher-Mind empowering guidance as instructions, project the intention. Recognize the fear for it taught you where you have the courage to stand for love.

The heaviness of the T-square is being nourished and nurtured by Gaea; as you are willing to capably embrace the high frequency instincts or thoughts needing to be crystalized/grounded within your structure. Mercury represents inner self talk as well as communication you physically express. 3rd Dimensional communication is Body language, Physical Senses, Voice box where as 5th Dimensional non-linear communication can be Memories, Dreams, Light Language, Chakras, Clair’s. Energy flows, this T-square is bringing into your awareness where you may need to implement changes in your life. Orcus, Conscience and Anubis are showing you the exit way in the Black Moon Lilith-Mercury opposition; spiritually speaking when you have the awareness or are knowledgeable of the wisdom you should be using; you are expected to conduct yourself accordingly. Every breath contains the empowering momentum of the raw divine energy; it is you to align and express that as your state of conscious beingness.

Ceres Rx in Gemini, Union in Capricorn, DNA in Pisces are signaling the readiness to unite mentally, physically spiritually and emotionally; Mind, Body and Soul, energy in unified motion from the micro to the macro with you. In every cyclical moment, sovereignly nurture the natural progression of your biosphere while being empathic or receptive to making practical course corrections.