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July New Moon


We are energetically a universe unto ourselves and connected to and from the all that is, the state of our being and everything else in the physical universe is constantly energy in motion, fluctuating. The electromagnetic spectrum of light exists to us as a buffet of frequencies vibrations, the light charge we with align matters, literally. In every moment, anything and everything has the potential to take form. The New Moon conjunct Varuna in Leo is at the apex of a Yod or Finger of God; stirring the possibility for the cosmic frequencies of the divine Higher Heart, the light and vibrations of the 5th dimension, into formation. This is the first New Moon of the Galactic New Year and the New Moon just prior to the Lions Gate, this New Moon has the power to help fast track your ascension if you're willing to believe Love is all you need. Feeling, choosing and expressing the dreams/desires/pleasures that excite our creative passions help give us the motivation to build what we vision for ourselves. It is a divine moment to set the intention of letting the yourself dream the best for yourself, courageously letting your light shine, being steadfast in love for yourself and your footprint.

Quaoar Rx in Capricorn and Vesta Rx in Pisces are the other contributors creating this equilateral triangle aspect pattern; although the 3rd Dimensional linear friction being played out by the quincunxes maybe intensifying certain relationships, it is blessing us with the ability to preview/foresee the areas or themes in our life/reality that need to be charged with more unconditional love and light. The journey of transformation doesn’t have to be a hard fight to the death battle; the nature of energy is that it goes with a flow, impressing and expressing energy in various formats without judgement. We are ascending in consciousness and so by willing/consciously seeing, sensing, feeling yourself through how you exist from your Soul perspective, which is a part of Source; you gain the heighten authority to be effective in manifesting the reality that you are advocating to live in and exist as. Quincunxes are like access ramps, yes it may take you longer, but the elements are there to guide and support you. God Source is Omni and Vesta Rx in Pisces is helping us to feel, sense and know how our spirit family communicates through everything; with the highest devotion towards expanding our heart space, guiding us into a higher state of union where we never feel lost or alone.

As Jesus said often said “The father through me… “ In Aries, the light ignites and provides/produces the fire within, this is not 100% physical, it is the power of the light surging through expanding the space, allowing the data. In Leo, the frequency we have consciously or unconsciously associated with expresses itself, through us, as part of our state of being. In the lower frequencies we can appear to be or labelled as Hot-headed, Quick-tempered, Assertive, Arrogant Egotistical, Anger, Rage, Proud, Dominating, Intolerant, Patronizing etc. In the Higher frequencies, via the heart, there is more universal harmony and so the light flows generously, stronger and more creatively; you feel empowered and self-confident as an individual, encouraging yourself to be the leader in your life. Be cause you turned yourself on, the effect will synchronize naturally, allowing your soul, guides, Source God to bless you with the 5th dimensional timelines your being came to seed, ground, anchor in to form.

All the Best


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Beth Lewter
Beth Lewter
29 jul 2022

In the lower frequencies we can appear to be or labelled as Hot-headed, Quick-tempered, Assertive, Arrogant Egotistical, Anger, Rage, Proud, Dominating, Intolerant, Patronizing etc. .... I WOUDLN'T KNOW ANYTHNG ABOUT THAT. Sarcasm 😢😠

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