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January 16th 2022 Full Moon


No matter where you reside on Gaia, the energies being felt and available for integration are here to breakdown any victim consciousness attachments while empowering you to embody more of your divine Soul-Self vibration. The Full Moon in Cancer at 27° is in aspect to Sedna Rx conjunct Ceres at 28° of Taurus, Haumea at 29° of Libra, Mars conjunct the Galactic Center at 25/27° of Sagittarius and Pluto conjunct the Sun at 26-27° of Capricorn.

The alignment of these energies are activating you to be more present so that you may see, feel and know how you are receptive and receive non-physical phenomenon in your reality. In doing so you will gain the awareness of where you need to manifest or strengthen boundaries as well as explore new opportunities to fertilize spiritual gifts or abilities. Be willing to tune into your heart and honestly assess where you can let go of lower frequency programming that has conditioned you into the belief that fitting in for the benefit of being accepted by others is the endgame. By doing that, without self-judgement; Haumea at the apex of the Full Moon T-square is gracing you with opportunities to birth forth the abundant timelines you have envisioned for yourself; through you for you as the Avatar for your Soul and co-creator of your physical reality. The universe acknowledges the frequency you have willing (conscious or not) claimed to express and honors your right to create and experience it. Allow yourself the space and alone time to be present, feel and nurture yourself with gratitude and happiness, your Soul is beautiful and Omni. Trust your intuition, surrender any guarantees that success can only happen one way. Honor that on your path you may have many crosses to bare; energy cannot be destroyed only transmuted and your Soul, like many others, incarnated to do just that in service to Gaia. Small steps create giant leaps and with the Sun conjunct Pluto you are being shown where you can rid yourself of another layer of the chains teetering you by walking on faith towards the paradise you envision for yourself. Your Soul setup the road and the hurdles so that you can resurrect, embrace and restore the wise, galactic, high frequency starlight linage you came to shine and anchor. You are loved, worthy and valuable not for what you do but for what you are willing and open to being and becoming in each moment.

In the moment of this Full Moon Saturn conjunct Urania is square Uranus Rx, Semi-Sextile Venus Rx and quincunx Orcus Rx. In order to hear and seed the impulses of your soul it is sometimes necessary to detach yourself emotionally from certain situations or relationships. Taking a step back or time out does not make you a quitter; we all need to reassess ourselves and the path we have forge. There is no need to be intimidated in the realization that the life you thought you should be living doesn’t not bringing you the happiness for long for; recognizing and resolving to transform yourself is the biggest gift of Self-love you can give yourself. Letting go of old or traditional feelings, beliefs, habits takes courage and heart for self; it is okay not to know where the new motivating ideas will take you, knowing yourself makes you stronger than others judgement of you. Forgive yourself and others of anything and everything, letting it weigh you down doesn’t serve you in where you want to go. Feel for what is acceptable for you in your life right now, be your own disciple and commit to all self-indulgent rituals that bring you joy no matter how silly you think they may be. What you are doing from the micro to the macro of your beingness is offering or surrendering yourself to your authentic Higher Soul Self and in the doing of that, you are telling Source and the universe that you are ready to be a lighthouse and wayshower; your soul came to elevate consciousness by creating the miraculous and unexpected. No one can do that from a state of victim consciousness. As you that you will notice and feel guided to opportunities that feel mind boggling, serendipitous and completely unexpected.

Mercury retrograde at 9° Aquarius in aspect to asteroid Hawaii at 8°; which is square to Chiron in Aries and Makemake Rx in Libra; is serving the ascension of our consciousness by helping us to understand how, why, when we as light beings are energetically triggered or frustrated. Understanding this helps us to create boundaries, awareness of when we should walk away and how the energy that flows through us and is expressed by us affects the environment around us. For healing to take hold, you need to internally going within, feeling and listening to what your Mind, Body and Soul are communicating to you. The orchestration around this full moon is inviting us to take the lead and becoming more vibrationally stable; muster up the will power and self discipline, starting small if need be. Don’t fear failure, for you are learning how to navigate with trust and faith; bringing yourself into wholeness with the rhythm of the universe. Manifesting what you would consider to be a miracle in your life, comes from accessing the awareness of both sides of polarity … being/doing, spirit/matter, mind/heart, motion/stillness, leading/following, Masculine/Feminine energies; while seeking to operate from the alliance of each. Your Soul/Source has a divine plan for this incarnation; seeking and harmonizing with that relationship will enable you to attract and magnetize like minded individuals for the purposes of consciously co-creating a higher frequency collective. Stepping into your divine sovereignty which is your birth right requires to be more conscious of the frequencies you align as well as the unique spiritual tools your Soul has garnered over the lifetimes.

The land that is Hawaii was once part of the continent of Mu; by cultivating and integrating the ability to anchor the light within and around yourself, you aid in the blossoming of love to grow and flow as it once did. The harmonic frequencies of the Lemurian people are embedded within the crystalline patterns of Gaia. Use your imagination to envision and create a life with more love, healing, and abundance; energy cannot be destroyed, it is infinite and regenerative. Allow all that drives or motivates your ambitious side to be balanced with your playful, carefree adventurous side. Be open to the delights of both physical and non-physical sensations, you move with the natural flow of source energy; allow yourself to be receptive without controlling it. Living harmoniously with nature strengthens and restores not only your well-being but innately recalibrates your sense of connection and unity with the ebbs and flow of life.

The T-square taking place between Anubis Rx in Virgo opposite Neptune, Pallas and DNA in Pisces both square Black Moon Lilith in Gemini is an opportunity to bring into harmonic balance how you impress and express yourself from the source of your beingness. You are a part of the all that is, the essence flows through the very atomic essence of every cell of your being; your vibe reverberating in relation to all that exists. Any storm raging in your reality that you feel drawn to serves to empower you by bringing into your awareness where you can release limiting perspectives and practically restructure how you perceive your sense of self. We are made in the image of God/Source, and we all know how that plays out in the hands of those that align with lower consciousness. We are all spiritually gifted, endowed with unique talents; after the fall of Atlantis a veil was place for protection. To fully access, integrate and embody this innate, independent and magnetic divine feminine energy of BML at your core; the source from which you can freely, intuitively and instinctively create and birth forth your soul desires into physical manifestation, you must surrender the egoic part of you that claims it for personal power over others. We all sojourned into this realm to transmute and transform the frequency fear into love, recognize when you have fearful feelings of doubt, anger or insecurity. Seeing the darkness for what it is, is one thing choosing the light and embodiment of divine love is another; be honest with yourself about the frequency of the energy you are using. Dissolve any attachments or judgements how or what that the outcome should look and be like and focus on being a vessel for the divine within the now moment through your open heart. Be gentle with yourself as you feel into what your Mind, Body and Soul are nurturing you with and asking for; call on the protection of your guides and beings of light and you release and regenerate yourself from within. The concepts of time and space belong to the 3rd dimension, as you let go and allow yourself to be enlightened and raise yourself in consciousness you permeate the veil and find yourself transcending what is possible. You know you're in the frequency of love when you find yourself enjoying how you feel when you are spreading happiness and acceptance through your daily tasks without asking for anything extra in return.

All the Best


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