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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse


Each time I go to write an astrological Blog I begin by bringing my awareness to the perspective from which I can see, feel and understand the bigger picture of what is taking place. Intentionally setting this stage or doing this allows me to let go of my story and connect with a broader sense of myself by tuning and channeling a higher source of power. In essence that is what a Conscious Galactic is to me, someone who feels, knows and thus becomes the embodiment of how they exist as a their Higher-Self not just the physical self. We already are the wholeness that Source is; we allowed ourselves to be veiled to that awareness to that we could experience the sensation of awaking to that knowing. The Solar system, Galaxy and Universe is and was designed as a playground and timekeeper; were basically speed dating ourselves; the Zodiac is resourceful archetypal blueprint of how to use the energy at play to be the best version of you. Time is speeding up, but we have free-will on if, when and how we want to play. You are a universe unto yourself and everything you need is within you; energy is ever changing and so is your state of being. Change your state aka your energetic beingness and you change the timeline and the characters you will interact with. Everything within your universal reality is energetically speaking to you, the others that come into your awareness are playing an energetic role for you and vice versa.

During a Lunar Eclipse, the Moon is in Gaia’s shadow or umbra, the red hue we see off the face of the Moon is Gaia’s refracted atmospheric light. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is at 25° of Scorpio is in aspect to the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, Pluto Rx in Capricorn, Union, Saturn and Vesta in Aquarius, Mars, Neptune, Gaea in Pisces, Jupiter and Eris in Aries, the North Node Rx, the Sun and Sedna in Taurus, Mercury Rx in Gemini and Haumea Rx in Libra. The Soul is Omni, eternally existing in oneness with all that is as an extension of Source, for some of us, our Soul has incarnated thousands of times upon Gaia; using the celestial alignments as an energetic tool to further our potential to be the physical embodiment of that oneness. Each sojourn choosing a different Avatar format such as a man or woman, skin color etc., diversity serves a purpose, playing every part or role helps us to have compassion and understanding for the whole. The energies of this moment are allowing for a deep clearing of not just this lifetime but of all lower frequencies that Gaia and our Soul has been burden with. She is a divine Soul that had chosen to take the form of being a planet and has used her free-will to carry the load knowing that it was in service to a greater purpose. From the micro to the macro systems elementally entwine and the great Central Sun is doing its part by birthing forth the higher frequencies needed to fuel the universal ascension of consciousness for all life not just humanity.

The Full Moon is in a T-square to Saturn conjunct Union and Vesta in Aquarius, helping us to shift our perspective from a self-centered egoic or victim consciousness belief system focus to a more heart-centered unity consciousness one. It is from the High Heart that the unconditional love for self and others can reverberate the frequencies needed to transmute the lower energies, creating the space for the higher dimensional timelines to seed and take form. Jupiter in Aries is triggering us, so we expand our awareness of how we empower and identify with our Heart-centered Soul or egoic Self while Mercury Rx in Gemini is bringing to our internal awareness where we still believe that we are our story and attaching ourselves to thought forms which don’t serve our highest good as well as the clear knowing of the voice/sound of spirit. Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces trine the Moon in Scorpio and square the Galactic center is nurturing you to release any suffering doesn’t feel right for you anymore so you can consciously take the action to do the things that will bring joy thus magnetizing you to the higher aspects of your Soul-Self that will aid you in navigating any emotional state you find yourself in with easy and grace. The version of you that you desire to be exists within you, you must feel for it and activate it.

Pluto Rx in Capricorn trine the Sun and Sedna in Taurus square Haumea Rx in Libra is shining a light on the frequency of your operating system. Everything is in relation to every other thing and so your world, reality, paradigm reflects the vibration of your current inner beingness. From the no-thing manifests something, physically is the effect to our intentions and thoughts. As the Goddess of Fertility, Haumea Rx in Libra can systemically rebirth, recode, reprogram, restore your SELF as you reclaim the space for your renewed heart-centered perspective; recognize what needs a frequency redo or a regenerative rewire that will thereby reconnect you to your Soul family which can guide you in resolving outward situations. The 3rd dimensional way of operating is ending and so for those Souls who have come to path the way for the 5th dimensional way, the same old routines or seeking without for the answers will no longer work. We are Divine Beings of Light that come pre-equipped and our constantly teetered to Source God, Spirit, Guides, Angels; the universe is sending the signals and messages that now is time to use our innate wisdom and productively become the capable conscious co-creators we have been looking around for.

Chiron conjunct Venus and Urania in Aries in aspect to Hermes in Pisces and Uranus conjunct Sumeria in Taurus is creating new and unexpected pathways of hearing, feeling and subscribing to any all ways you are willing to avail yourself to spirit, energy follows the path of least resistance. As we are willing to be unconventionally present and motivated enough to connect and empower ourselves from the heart space; we self-heal by teaching ourselves how to listen to and operate from our Higher-Soul-Master Self. The more we liberally root ourselves in that loving space the more expansive and perceptive we become to the all that is. There is nothing that Source God is not, surrendering to that fact and releasing yourself from the web of lies that has conditioned us to believe other wise takes unconditional love, willpower and patience. We are all in the same boat because we all signed up to play this game of consciousness. We all play and learn the game from different positions; some of us our becoming Students, some Teachers and other Masters. We all have the same goal, to turn on our inner light and be in the wholeness of our divinity; you have never been alone. Thinking is a mindful secondary process whereas feeling and expressing love is primal to our existence.

All the Best


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