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First New Moon of Spring 2022


The season of Spring represents nature awakening from hibernation where the longer exposure to the sunlight leaves us feeling less despondent and more energetic thanks to the rays that provide us with vitamin D and an increase in serotonin. As we see an end in sight to the cold chill through the transition from winter into spring; we can feel within us a lifting of our spirits, the divine light of creator seeking to sparkle through us as it initiates the birthing forth of new life, new beginnings and rejuvenation to all vegetation. Spring reminds us that nature is cyclical, and that a fundamental element of renewal is releasing all that which no longer aligns with where we desire to proceed. We are innately a part of this sacred orchestration; with every breath we are graced with the inner willingness to embrace the harmony of love and forgive all else. Intentionally envisioning this blissful state while holding the space for emerging soulful energies to bloom and flourish consciously connects us to the bounty of Gaia and the universe.

The Aries New Moon at 11° degrees is conjunct Mercury and Chiron and in aspect to Uranus in Taurus, Black Moon Lilith in Cancer and Orcus Rx in Virgo. The New Moon is taking place numerologically at 11° and some keywords associated with the master number 11 are spiritual awareness, higher vision, learning, knowledge, vibration, enlightenment, balance between spirit and matter. This celestial configuration is providing a cosmic level up, the possibility to birth a Higher Frequency version of yourself by claiming the spontaneous liberating heart-felt ideas ready to taken form.

The Source of all that is expresses itself as a force that is in resonance with everything that exists based on frequency and vibration; as a part of God Source, so do you. In all moments, the universe is speaking to you, uniquely guiding you to take the actions that will lead you in igniting a deeper faith and trust in yourself. Within the environment you find yourself, there is a moment to focus within and attune yourself to the wisdom being emitted by your heart. This New Moon is creating an opportunity for us to intuitively feel, listen and express to what will bring us into a more authentic alignment with our Soul. Being the planet of communication Mercury in Aries is motivating us to open, listen and broadcast our selves using the higher 5th dimensional frequency communication we are innately receptive to. Your Higher-Self, Soul, Guides will always empower you with their words of wisdom, encouraging you to take the lead in manifesting the life you believe will bring you the most happiness. This intuitive guidance is inspiring you in infinite ways; in the higher dimensions Mercury represents the communication that can come through dreams, light language, the chakras, the Claire’s, plants, animals; anything and everything. Having the fortitude to speak from the heart whether it is to yourself or someone else takes self-love, self-confidence, self-esteem and the willingness to forgive and move on. As you take the Heartfelt steps you believe are necessary for you to bring happiness and the feeling of wholeness into your life, you begin the healing process of remembering, embodying and living from the divine essence of your universal self. Operating from the heart means not everything is going to go the way you think or expect it, sometimes you need to let go of people, places and things that aren't ready or meant to continue the journey with you. By setting the intention to identify with that which empowers you and then permitting yourself to be vulnerable enough amplify and exist from that presence, you enable God/Source to work miracles through you as you. Your soul incarnated to be a trailblazer in service to and for the light, in every moment forging forward on your path, ascending your consciousness, despite the darkness around you.

Ceres represents the physical Mother Nature energy that nurtures us to be self-reliant through all seasons and cycles of life. In Gemini during this new moon, she is showing us how to be comfortable yet independent with the higher frequency information that is seeking unification with and through us from anything to everything. As we observe and focus on holding the heart-space to think and feel how the concept of something aligns with what we intentionally wish to manifest; we go beyond the limiting confines of the traditional beliefs systems and productively intermingle with modalities that we will bring us into a place of massive peace, balance and wholeness.

The whole solar system is participating in this New Moon event; Mars is Conjunct Saturn, Juno and Venus in Aquarius in aspect to Jupiter, Urania and Neptune in Pisces and Eris in Aries. These energies are presenting in our experiences so we can commit to taking the actions required to orchestrate our thoughts and feelings with more divine authority from a higher perspective. Anywhere we are still attached to the frequency of fear or judgement is where we need to rebel our conflicted focus and begin an initiative to forge new ways of being. Ultimately it comes down to you; we each have a unique soul song that can only be play by us, you are the choreographer of your life. With discipline and determination there is the potential to dissolve stagnant victim consciousness energies thus decluttering the space and accelerating the synchronicities that are propelling us to exist and operate from a greater awareness in partnership with our higher soul essence.

This New Moon offers accelerating to our awakening by expanding our awareness to our full Soul potential so we may lead our selves into healing the disempowered parts and become more of our divine I AM presence. On a soul level we signed up to incarnated on this planet, in doing that we all agreed to carry the load and ascend human consciousness from the 3-dimensional energies that have been lingering since the fall of Atlantis into a higher frequency state. Why? Because we can, the essence of how we innately exist is in universal wholeness with the Omniness of Source. This journey is not for the faint of heart; to claim eternal Mastery of Self over the fear illusions of separation found in the shadow of death realm is to be in service to a higher truth, power and being. Pluto represents/holds the vibration of the ability to transmute the way you perceive yourself from within thereby transform your physical reality without. As you purge the intense energetic Ego bondage of either needing to be in control or fearing to be the captain of your vessel thus allowing others to influence your choices; you empower yourself to reprogram your DNA and regenerate/rebirth, renew from within, manifesting a stronger bond with the essence of yourself as a creator being. It is through the journey/cycle of “death” and resurrection that you free yourself, growing and gaining personal wisdom. By consciously choosing to attune the space within transforming the fearful thoughts into more positive ones; shifting your perspective in the progress, you clear the version of yourself that was blocking the wisdom of your soul from flooding through.

All the Best to and for you


@Conscious Galactic

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