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Chiron, Trudeau & Canada


You, me, we; are an aspect of our Soul, we all sojourn in form temporarily to physically create individual and collective experiences; the divine purpose is unique to each soul. Your soul may have incarnated a 100, 1,000 or 10,000 times; some souls wishing to explore a certain theme will group together with other souls lifetime after lifetime switching roles each time. Gaia, Mother Earth is a free-will playground, the goal is to ascend the game of consciousness; those that have the confidence to see, feel and know how they exists beyond the physical restrains of the 3rd dimensional illusionary confines of fear, limitation and separation via power over others will become Ascended Masters; Jesus/Yeshua, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Gandhi, Thích Nhất Hạnh are a few examples. Consciousness means state of being; everything is energy interacting energetically; the frequency state of our thoughts, words, expressions, bodies reverberate outward and are reflected back. At the atomic level, quarks spin generating the power that will cause the proton to emit a frequency charge which will be received by the electron, the electron will then emit a photon of light based of that frequency vibration. The higher your vibration is the more of your Soul you embody and the less prone you are to dis-ease.

Chiron is a Dwarf planet that was discovered in 1977 by Charles Kowal, named after a centaur in Greek mythology, it orbits the Sun between Saturn and Uranus approximately every 50 years. Astrologically speaking Chiron represents the wounded healer and where we have the potential to bring soulful healing via the experiences we may perceive as stressful or painful; the intention is to consciously grow and evolve into to that which we innately exist as. Chiron is the archetype that most reflects where your physical self is the student learning what your higher self is teaching you so that you become the master that your soul is. If you have not been following the guidance of your spirit team, around the age of 50 years old, you may experience some unbalance within your reality. Chiron being a bridge between Saturn, the personal frequency disciplinarian and Uranus, the transpersonal dimensional liberator; requires you to have the awareness that there is more to life as you reflect upon how you are interconnect and relate to more than what you are conditioned to believe.

Having a retrograde planet in your birth chart means that there is an inward focused or awareness needed in order to bring about conscious change on your life path. Chiron in Aries relates to the impulsive, instinctive frequency spark you identify with as your SELF which then becomes your individual I AM expression; one you maybe willing to fight to the death protecting. The wound anyone with Chiron in Aries is wholistically healing is the illusion that they are anything but divine. Something from without triggers us and we instantly react instead of realizing that the without is reflecting that which was caused from within.

Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau was born on October 18th 1919 in Montreal, Canada; Chiron was retrograde at 3 degrees of Aries, Juno was at 9 degrees of Libra. On October 13th 1970, just shy of his 51st birthday, Prime Minister Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act; Chiron was retrograde at 7 degrees with the Moon at 3 degrees and Anubis retrograde at 6 degrees of Aries opposite Uranus at 9 and Mercury at 10 degrees of Libra.

Justin Pierre James Trudeau was born on December 25th 1971; he has Chiron at 9 degrees with the Moon conjunct Eris Retrograde at 11 degrees of Aries. Prime Minister Trudeau is 50 years old and Chiron is currently at 9 degrees of Aries opposite Makemake retrograde at 8 degrees of Libra. As I write this today February 9th 2022, asteroid DNA is at 3 degrees and Sumeria is at 9 degrees of Aries with Mars at 11 degrees of Capricorn Trine Uranus at 11 degrees of Taurus. By the time of the Full Moon on February 16th 2022 asteroid Sumeria will be at 11 degrees of Aries. Like his father and every soul in human form, there is the potential to operate from a higher awareness. He was born on Christmas day; the symbolism speaks for itself, honor the Christ within and be the light for the masses. He has an opportunity to see, feel and heal the relationship with his SELF, realizing where he is operating of out the ego and take the necessary actions to enlighten himself towards a more heart-centered and Soul-self approach. As he raises his consciousness, he has the capability to be a revolutionary leader, forging a stronger and liberating country for its people. On a soul level, I am holding heart space for the soul of Justin Trudeau, he is playing his part by reflecting to us where we need to be more unified, self-sovereign and less reliant on the government to lead us.

In all moments your actions dictate your state of being; God/Source created energy that manifested the celestial playgrounds and then refracted it SELF to experience the glory of creation. We already innately exist as our higher self, as our soul, as an aspect of source; divinity flows in us, through us, as us in every moment; we have free-will in whether we identify and claim this frequency as truth and our self-expression. The celestial energies of these moments are allowing us the capacity to observe, recognize and detach ourselves from the fearful frequencies of the 3rd dimensional logical programming with greater resilience. Separation is an illusion, vibrationally we are all interconnected and creators of our reality; as we individually align our selves we collectively unite and become the change we have been desiring to see.

All the Best


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