The Full Moon at 19° in Aquarius is conjunct Union and Saturn Rx in aspect to Pluto Rx in Capricorn, Juno, Hermes and Neptune in Pisces, Gaea in Aries, Uranus and Mars in Taurus, Pallas conjunct Sumeria in Gemini and Atlantis in Sagittarius. There are two T-Squares taking place; The Sun and Moon/Saturn Rx are both square the North Node/Uranus/Mars in Taurus while Sumeria opposite Atlantis are both square Juno Rx in Pisces. The Grand Earth Trine between Urania/Sedna in Taurus, Conscience/Anubis in Virgo and Pluto Rx/Hawaii Rx in Capricorn is steadfast in helping our dreams as well as the 5th dimensional Earth grid to take shape. There is a Fire trine with 2 Kites that are only going to get stronger over the weekend as the Sun gets closer to 22° Leo; Gaea, our beautiful Mother Earth has been storing higher wisdom in preparation for these moments when there would be a massive number of souls who would not only have the eyes and ears to understand these teachings but also the willingness to broadcast them despite being in the valley of the shadow of death.
The Moon reflects the Sun’s rays unrefracted and with it being so close to the Lions Gates, these light waves have the potential to feel super intense. The paradigm shift is well under way and the Sun opposite Saturn Rx in Aquarius is spotlighting the areas where we are ready to express ourselves from a more empowered position of divine heart-centered authority as well as where we are letting fear or victim consciousness lead the way. The North Node/Uranus/Mars in Taurus at the apex this T-square is encouraging us to take the actions or activities, no matter how radical, that will bring us greater happiness and enjoyment. The Full Moon conjunct Union and Saturn Rx Air trine Pallas and Sumeria is helping us to detach and observe how are internal thought patterns lift us up or weigh us down. This awareness is assisting us to navigate and integrate more easily with the higher dimensional frequency communication Gaia is being flooded with.
All the Best